Art Hitofumu, Guitiriz, Spain

Maternity by Antonio Garcia PATIÑO

Antonio Garcia PATIÑO Biography

Antonio Garcia PATIÑO

Antonio Garcia Patiño it is born in Corunna in 1932 and dies the 19 of March of the 2010. Self-taught person. As many other painters I slide particularly were become fond of to the ceramics, I collaborate with Sargadelos in the design of pieces like the collection of the Year Santo Compostelano, the plate collection of Galician costumbrista essence and a boat. Although frequently the critics agreed in indicating the possibilities of their painting for other specialties, like murals, sculptures and show windows.


''One of the dominant factors in the painting of Antonio Patiño, is the force and expresividad of the drawing to the service of a composition very planned, very constructed, of his figuras''… Miguel Logroño. Magazine ''Blanco y negro''. 9 of November of 1974.

''While the surrealism finds the motivations of its existence with the manifestos of André Breton and within freudiana psychology; it is through the lessons of Carl-Gustav JUNG, within the phenomenon of the unconscious group where, the karma of Patiño finds the figures arquetípicas on which it projects problematic the modern one, that is to serve basic and has supported for his pintura''. Philippe Him Cherif, Monaco. …

''the influences of the medieval art, of forms than more basic, seem doubtless, although adapted to the genuine module of the artist, to its defendant personality, always kind to the plastic rigor of its ideaciones, between allegorical and fantastic, that go of the neofigurative one to abstracción''… Marsa angel. The Catalan Mail. 22 of May of 1971.

… ''most important of Patiño is the subtle alchemy whereupon it shuffles all the elements and the ability doses whereupon them until creating a work that is so strictly personal, that it allows to identify it to the first blow of vista''… Carlos Arean ''Mail Literaria'' 15 of November of 1974.

Individual and collective exhibitions:

Círculo de las Artes (Lugo, 1991), Galería Na Xamena (Ibiza, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 y 1994), Galería Sargadelos (Ferrol, 1992), Cast Iron Gallery (Nueva York, 1993), Lambert-Voigt Fine Art Gallery (Miami, 1993), Galería San Vicente (Valencia, 1993), Hostal Reyes Católicos (Santiago de Compostela, 1993), Galería Art-Galicia (Ferrol, 1994), Galería Almirante (Lugo, 1994 y 1997), Galería Almina (Zurich, 1994), Casa de Galicia (Madrid, 1995), Segundo Premio de Pintura de la Delegación del Ministerio de Información y Turismo (Ayuntamiento de Melilla, 1957), Pintores Gallegos en el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de A Coruña (1961), Círculo de Bellas Artes de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (1966), Salón de Otoño del Palacio Mudéjar (Sevilla, 1967), IV Aula Cultural de l Ciudad de Cádiz (1967), La Colefax and Fowler (Londres, 1967), mención de honor del concurso por la Vintersol (España-Suecia) (Islas Canarias, 1971), Segundo premio de pintura del V Aula Cultural de la Ciudad de Cádiz (1968), Sala Jaimes (Barcelona, 1971), Centro Gallego de Madrid (1971), Sala Obanos Figueras (1971), Pro-Damnificados de Pakistán (Palacio de Congresos de la Feria Internacional de Muestras de Barcelona, 1971), Sala Armengol (Olot – Girona, 1971), XI Premio de Dibujo Joán Miró (1971), Obra Gráfica Internacional Sala Gaudí (Barcelona, 1972), Ibiza Gáfic (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Ibiza, 1972), Ciudad de Barcelona. Palacio de Virreina (Barcelona, 1972), Galería Vallés (Girona, 1972 y 1973), Sala Gaudí (Barcelona, 1972), 3 Paredes de La Unesco (Barcelona, 1973), Opercula Latrinae. Galería Nová (Barcelona, 1973), Muestra 74 Pintores de la Galería Sala Gaudí (Barcelona, 1974), Galería Fortuny (Madrid, 1974), Galerie Michel-Ange (Montecarlo – Mónaco, 1975), Caja de Pensiones y para la Vejez y de Ahorros (Tremp – Lérida, 1975), Instituto de Cultura de España (Copenhague – Dinamarca, 1976), Sala Barbasán (Zaragoza, 1976), Caja de Ahorros de A Coruña y Lugo (A Coruña, 1977), Editora Nacional (Barcelona, 1978), Galería Altex (Madrid, 1981), Galería Sargadelos (Madrid, 1978), Caja de Galicia (A Coruña, 1984), Caja de Ahorros de Galicia (Santiago de Compostela, 1984), Salón de las Naciones (París, 1984), Caja de Galicia (Ferrol, 1984), Diputación Provincial de Lugo (Lugo, 1985), Delegación del Centro de Cultura (A Coruña, 1986), Sa Nostra (Ibiza, 1986 y 1987), Caixa Galicia (A Coruña, 1989), Galería La Pedrera (Barcelona, 1989), Celler de la Selva (Selva del Mar – Gerona, 1995), Caixa Vigo (Vigo, 1991).

Its work appears in Spanish, French, Danish, Italian, Swiss and North American collections, as well as in the collections of Caixa Vigo, de la Excma. Diputación de A Coruña, del Parlamento de Galicia, de Caixa Galicia, del Puerto Franco Vigo y de la Xunta de Galicia.

Some of their works also appear in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona. It has realised designs in plates numbered of Sargadelos: Serie en color (3 platos), Serie año Xacobeo 1982 (3 platos) y Cristo of Mondoñedo.

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