Where should I sell my art online – PicassoMio.com / PicassoMio Galleries or Ebay?

Where should I sell my art online – PicassoMio.com / PicassoMio Galleries or Ebay?

We have been asked this questions a few times and would like you to consider a few items that we list below:

Specialized Product

Art is a product that requires expertise both in terms of evaluating and in selling. Our art consultants constantly work hard with the clients, in-person and online, to clarify any doubts that they may have to close the sales for you. Ebay does not provide such handholding and in fact does not offer specialized customer care. The analogy in the real world would be that of a premier gallery and a garage sale.

Curated Source

In the world of art and art collecting, curating remains a key factor in attracting clients – collectors, first-time buyers, corporations, trade buyers and institutions. PicassoMio.com has repeatedly been acclaimed as the premier source of curated art by major publications and industry players and only selected artists can exhibit with us. On the other hand, anyone can list any kind of art at Ebay and a lot of it seems to be criticized as junk.


When purchasing art, our clients know that they will be receiving a complete guarantee – including Certificate of Authenticity, Resale Assurance and Pricing Integrity. Ebay does not guarantee any of the aforementioned.

Sales Results

In 2006, The Economist, the leading business and economy magazine mentioned that less than 5% of items listed on Ebay ever get sold. We dare not guess how many of the artworks listed on the Website ever get sold.

At PicassoMio.com, nearly 10% of items listed get sold and for certain artists, whose works are priced well, the figure reaches nearly 80%.


PicassoMio.com and its Website is developed to best serve the art world, including the online and offline tools and services we offer. Simply by visiting the two Websites, you will be able to determine the difference.