525 ART - Galería de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay

To be - not to - be - anymore 06 by Michael Bahr

Michael Bahr Biography

Stuttgart, Germany.

An emerging German artist of abstract and geometric style.

In his work there is an encounter between what is constructive, geometric, and informal.

While one of them refers to a symbolic dimension, an investigation of the relationship between the human world and the natural, cyclical world, the other brings implicitly a constant of development.

The strokes of expression from the German School of the eighties appear conjunctively with the elements of constructive tradition.

In his own words: "In intent to connect our intellect with our intuition, the concept of visual communication in my work has changed significantly; here I define the reality together with the propositions of viewers. Meanwhile, we are catching up with "Einbildungskraft" (power of imagination), our own creativity; here appears new relationships and new possibilities of seeing.


2000-2005: - Bienal Internacional de Siart, La Paz, Bolivia. - Exposiciones individuales y colectivas en Uruguay y Argentina.

1987-1997: - Exposiciones colectivas e individuales en Alemania, España y Grecia.

1990-1997: - Accion-performance-pintura con banda musical, Stuttgart, Alemania.

Awards: - Mencion de Honor, River Plate Award of Visual Arts, Fundacion OSDE, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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