Artix Espacio Creativo, Zaragoza, Spain

Mujer de Verso en Pecho by Vicky De Sus

Vicky De Sus Biography

Vicky de Sus is an emerging Spanish artist that works in the figurative style. She has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Sant Jordi in Barcelona with a specialization in graphic printing.

She has also created illustrations for books and designed publicity posters for various events.


2005 - Library of Alcala de Gurrea. Huesca, Spain. - Bajo Cero, Salillas, Huesca, Spain. - Graphic Prints, Rugada, Huesca, Spain. - Sala Raices. Novillas, Zaragoza, Spain. - 2004 - Say it to me or paint it for me, University of Zaragoza, Spain. - Femmes artistas d'ici el d'ailleurs. Tarbes. - 2003 - Revisions. Cultural Center of Matadero. Huesca, Spain. - 28 Women Artists, Tarazona, Zaragoza, Spain. - Young Illustrators, Sala Altamira, Gijon, España.

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