Inter-Atrium Art Exhibitions, Porto, Portugal

Fashion Series by Zélia Roque

Zélia Roque Biography

Established Portuguese painter, Zelia Roque is one of the best-known contemporary female artists, in her country, working in the FIGURATIVE style.

A self-trained artist, she was influenced by artists, such as, Yela de Cangas and Lazaro Lozano.

She is also the Founder and Director of the Gallery, "Arte Inter-Atrium, Exposiçoes de Arte".

A selected list of her EXHIBITIONS is as follows:

1967 - Huelva Council, Spain;

1968 - Casa de Alentejo, Lisbon;

1970 - Caja Provincial de Ahorros, Huelva; - Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Salamanca, Valladolid;

1982 - Caja de Ahorros de Vigo, Vigo, Spain; - Caja de Ahorros y Prestamos, Palencia, Spain;

1984 - Galeria de Arte Inter-Atrium, Hotel Ritz, Lisbon;

1995 - Capitel Gallery, Leiria;

2002 - Galeria de Arte Inter-Atrium, Porto

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