Megan Kelly, San Francisco, CA

The Magic Carpet Ride - Section by Kasia Ehrhardt

Kasia Ehrhardt Biography

Established architect Kasia Ehrhardt's graphic prints depict a plan to overhaul ?the precedents of semi-purposeless lobby space such as corporate indoor gardens?and omnipresent carpeted movie theater lobbies.?

Ehrhardt received a Bachelor of Environmental Design with Honors in 2002 from the University of Colorado at Boulder; a Master of Arts in 2004 from Uniwersytet Jagiellonski in Krakow, Poland; and a Master of Architecture in 2006 from the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University in New York. Additionally, Ehrhardt has also studied at the Freie Universitat Berlin in Germany and at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London.

In speaking about ?The Magic Carpet Ride?, Ehrhardt states ?The Magic Carpet Ride emerged from the given task to design a monograph. The monograph project was seen as an opportunity to organize and synthesize in order to design a building. The building aspect of the monograph is generated in multiple versions, each version with its own process of creation. These processes of creation depend on previously accumulated material, past projects and the format of the monograph itself. Thus, the Magic Carper Ride comes to represent both the method of creation as well as the actual building project. ?

?The program is a movie theater with subway station at 42nd Street and 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. With the architectural precedents of semi-purposeless lobby space such as corporate indoor gardens?and omnipresent carpeted movie theater lobbies, the Magic Carpet Ride building uses the combination of red and green carpet [that] corresponds to program ? green for leisure related program and red for processional and circulatory program.?


2006 -


2006 - William Kinne Fellows Prize for study and travel abroad

2002 - National Dean?s List - University of Colorado at Boulder, Dean?s List

2001 - National Dean?s List - University of Colorado at Boulder, Dean?s List

2001 - University of Colorado at Boulder, Dean?s List

1999 - Cum Laude Academic Honor Society - Froelicher Academic Honor Society

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