, Long Island City, New York

Winston (Madison Square Garden) by C.J. Yao

C.J. Yao Biography

Yao was one of the preeminent Taiwanese painters working in the 1970s. He is best known for photorealist images of urban scenes seen in reflection in the manner of Richard Estes. He worked primarily in New York during the 70s, and is included in Meisel's landmark summary of the movement, "Photorealism."Yao exhibited in over 100 shows in over a dozen countries during his life, including the 1970 Sao Paulo Biennale. He was the first overseas artist to become a permanent professor in Mainland China. 1941 Born in Taichung, Taiwan. 1964 Graduated from Art department of Nation Taiwan Normal University. 1969 Received the Honor award at The Fifth International Youth Art Exhibition in Tokyo. 1970 Presented works at The Tenth Saint Paul International Art Exhibition in Brazil; moved to the US later that year. 1974~1983 Became an important painter representing realism in the US. 1983 Gave lectures on Western Modern Art Thinkings in Mainland China at the invitation of United Nations. 1985 Became a visiting professor at Central Creative Crafts College in Peking and the first overseas permanent visiting professor in the art world of Mainland China. 1962~1993 Participated in over 100 individual exhibitions. Exhibitions took place in local and foreign national art hall literature centers, painting galleries etc. of US, Japan, Spain, Germany, Canada, Belgium, Peking, Hong Kong, Taiwan and more. 1993 Invited by the Art Department in the Graduate School of National Taiwan Normal University to give a speech. 1994 Received the Overseas Painter Contribution Award of ROC Paint Gallery Variety Exhibition.


Invited by Zonta International Taiwan Club to return to Taiwan and hold a painting exhibition and ceramic art show at the Literature Center of China Daily News, Tainan; Yao also contributed his charity sales to benefit handicapped people.


Invited by Koahsiung Teacher's University to give a speech.


Koahsiung City Heaven Accumulation-50 Art Space Exhibition.


Participated in the 14th National Art Exhibition R.O.C.


Participated in invited exhibitions at the Ping Tung Hsen Cultural Center, the Miaoli Hsien Cultural Center, and the Guam University in the US; also attended the Art Gallery Exhibition ROC and held an art show at Tungchin Art Gallery, Taiwan Cultural Center.


Participated in the 15th National Art Exhibition ROC and invited exhibitions at Hsin Chu Hsien Cultural Center.


Art show at the Lungmen Art Gallery, Taiwan.

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