, Long Island City, New York

Tri by Chaim Goldberg

Chaim Goldberg Biography

Poland, 1917

Established, Polish-born painter Chaim Goldberg employs a wide range of techniques in his figurative works, which takes the dignity and nobleness of man as their central theme.

Solo Shows


Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.

Klingspor Museum, Germany.


American Congress, Washington, D.C.

His work can be found in the following museums and collections:

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

National Museum of Fine Art, Warsw, Poland.

President's House, Jerusalem

Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.

Museum Petit Palais, Geneva, Switzerland.

Museum Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

Museum of History, Warsaw.

Museum Yad Labanim, Israel

Klingspor Museum, Offenbach, Alemaniaz

National College of Fine Art, Washington, D.C.

Museum of Modern Art, New York

Philadelphia Musuem of Art, Philadelphia

Museum of Fine Art, Boston

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut

Judaica Museum, Phoenix, Arizona

Public Library, Los Angeles

Museum of Art, San Francisco

Public Library, New York

Lowe Museum University, Miami

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut

Springfield Museum of Fine Art, Springfield, Massachusetts

Spertus Museum, Chicago

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