Hangel López Montero Biography

HANGEL was born in the town of Motril in the year 1.956. (hangelpintor@hotmail.es) ; 677 48 31 87 Je parle français.

From an early age he studied drawing and form in the School of Arts and Crafts of his native town, under the supervision of Mr. M. Ligero, Principal of the School. He finished his advanced studes and enrolled in the “High School of Architecture” in Seville. In the city of Seville he became interested in painting, joining a group of Neo-formalists. During this period he also became interested in portrait painting as a way of expressing himself, inding a new technique for conventional and classic portraits.

In 1.975 he founded the first Gallery of Art in Motril, and here he had his firts one-man portrait exhibition. During this period HANGEL conducted and presented a programme on “Radio Motril" on “Art Criticism”, and at the same time he worked as art critic for the Granada newspaper “Patria”.

Without finishing his studies in the School of Architecture he enrolled in the School of Law in Granada. When he graduated as a lawyer he joine the Society of Lawyers of Granada, Murcia and Jaen.

At the present moment he is acting as a lawyer and painting at the same time. In 1.990 HANGEL entered as a member of the newly opened “School of Art” in the University of Granada.

So far he has taken part in several exhibitions, on his own and with other artists. His works are, most of them, in private collections all over Spain.

Arranging the accomplishment of his works and his profession of attorney, Hangel dedicates a little time which he has to the teaching of the painting and sculpture in the cities of Boy shop-assistant and Nerja.

To the date, it has paticipado in several collective and individual exhibitions, being his work, almost in its entirety in private collections that spread over all our geography, emphasizing his institutional portraits in the Excmo. Boy shop-assistant's town hall, University of Granada, Illustrious Bar association of Granada.

Artist's Statement

I agree to know the means that allow me to catch and to portray a person