525 ART - Galería de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Saint Michael # 01 by Silvestre Peciar

Silvestre Peciar Biography

Montevideo, Uruguay, 1935

Uruguayan sculptor Silvestre Peciar works in an expressionist style. The subject matter of his work comes largely from classical mythology. Silvestre treats his figures in a way that resembles primitive sculptures, especially his ?feminine torsos.?

Silvestre currently lives and works in Montevideo. He is a professor at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes de la Republica de Uruguay.

He has this to say about his work: ?I like to describe myself as an eclectic artist because my work has a double meaning. On the one hand, its figurative because in general people can identify it without difficulties, but on the other hand, I would say that it belongs to the nature of subjective expressionism, because its personal, it invites us to discover details by observing closer.?

?I painted for many years. It?s been a process. While painting, one is relatively conscious, there are certain moments when one uses a color but the result isn?t good?painting is a constant action and pure emotion.?

?Sculpting offers other possibilities. Up there you fly, but down here its different?painting is more free, sculpting is more physical. And the medium imposes its own rules and gives us the opportunity to make a more advanced formal search.?

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS - A century of sculptures in Brasil. Museum of Fine Arts of Sao Paulo, Brasil. - Small Hall of the Museum of Modern Art, Montevideo. 1960 - U Gallery. 1974

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