Arte, Olot, Spain

Untitled by Rosa Serra Puigvert

Rosa Serra Puigvert Biography

Rosa Serra Puigvert

Rosa Serra Puigvert ( Vic , 1944) is a Catalan sculptor . He belongs to the generation that won a break in sculpture Olot . The discovery of the three-dimensional figure led to approach the accomplishments of Louis Careful , his first teacher . He moved to Olot in 1952 , where he currently works and resides . In 1970 he entered the Academy of Luis Carbonell , where he studied drawing and painting, and two years later entered the School of Fine Arts in Olot , where for three years he studied drawing, ceramics and engraving. The first exhibition was made in Barcelona in 1972 , and since 1973 he devoted himself to sculpture . In 1976 he was awarded the Third Biennial Bilbao sculptures . In 1985 the International Olympic Committee commissioned a series of sculptures for the 1988 Seoul Olympics . Have you done other sports-themed sculpture for the Barcelona Olympics of 1992 and 2000, the company commissioned a statue of Nike Tiger Woods in Oregon . He is also the author of Suite Olympique IOC headquarters in Lausanne and various parts of the subject Olimpic Park located in Seoul and Olympic Committee of Asia in Kuwait. In 2008 he received the Cross of St. George.

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