German Art Company, San Anselmo, California

Stilleben mit Flaschen (Still Life with Bottles) by Michael Renninger

Michael Renninger Biography

Bad Kissingen, 1954 -

An established German contemporary artist, Michael Renninger generally creates paintings and graphic prints, in the CLASSIC style.

Trained at the FHS in Kiel with Professor Zimmermann, this artist was drawn to the themes and techniques of the old masters even during his student days, The simplicity of his arrangements -- a bowl of plums, a collection of bottles -- invite contemplation and tranquility. His work is made more remarkable by his talent with light and shadow, his sensitivity to nuances of color, and his straightforward composition. These are works of art that elevate everyday objects to poetry.

For over 15 years, Michael Renninger's art has been displayed in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe.

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