www.photolounge.eu, Barcelona, Spain

Stonedress by Darius Koehli

Darius Koehli Biography

Born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1960, lives and works in Barcelona, Spain since 1987. Studies photography in Rochester N.Y. (R.I.T.) in 1982/83 and Arles, F (Ecôle Nationale de Photographie) in 1984/85. Founder and artistic director of the virtual gallery photolounge.eu. Works of his is are represented at the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris and in private collections around the world. Recent projects are “What’s true” (1997-2001) urban night views in colour, shown at the "Primavera de la fotografía of Barcelona"; and “Aquatic encounters” (2001) colour triptychs done with plastic cameras for one time use, have been shown in Madrid and Arles,(F) in 2003. In "Triptychs" single images find new reasons of existing in trinity. "Saurópolis" (book and show with Fundación Vilacasas) is a personal view, poetic and spiced with ironic hints, of Barcelona's hi-tech barrio Poble Nou. "BCN Fashion Beach" (kowasa gallery) is a refreshing approach where people, color and chaos become protagonists.

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