Joan RAMOS Biography

Born in 1942, is a painter, engraver, sculptor and illustrator. In 1971 he obtained a scholarship from the French government to further his education in Paris. He has exhibited in Europe and America. As for the graphic work has illustrated books such as "Là-bas" by J. K. Huysmans, "Hell" by H. Barbusse or translation of "The Arabian Nights" by Blasco Ibáñez, and also part of the work of Vicent Andrés Estellés or the Goncourt prizes. As a engraver, he has collaborated with artists like Artur Heras, Manuel Boix, Rafael Armengol, Andreu Alfaro, Joan Genovés or Arcadi Blasco, among others.

From expressionism to informality, going through to neorealism, studies of pre-Columbian or African art, your work is shown notary of the living things: social behaviors, ethnic background or character of individuals.