Debra Keirce Biography

Art has been my passion since I can remember. It was about 1968 when I discovered some charcoal and a drawing instruction book in the basement of our home in suburban Detroit, MI. I drew the locomotive shown in the lesson on perspective, and was hooked! I turned down an art scholarship and got a chemical engineering degree from The University of Michigan instead. In the 1980’s and 1990’s I subsidized my art career working as a biochemical design engineer, building biotech pharmaceutical facilities. I married, we raised 3 children, lived in several places and settled in Northern Virginia. Now I’m able to devote all my spare time to painting.

I’ve rendered just about every subject, including commissions for pets, portraits, architecture, fantasy and wildlife. My current interest is painting unique collections of items such as bottles, stuffed animals, books. While I’m always experimenting with new media, acrylic and/or colored pencil dominate my body of works. With a passion for miniature art (less than 25 square inches,) I work mostly in small formats of 20” or less, but have also created several murals. Working under magnifiers for the miniature art, my style has become more detailed over the years.

My work is mainly sold in the USA, but I also have pieces in Japan, Australia, Canada and The United Kingdom. Galleries in the USA and UK have shown my work, I am a member of several miniature fine art societies, and the recipient of several awards.

Please visit my website at