UniquEEE Art Gallery, Ramat Hasharon, Israel

Ahoy, My Beauty! by Yamy Engelmeyer

Gallery Information/Statement

UniquEEE® is a trusted bridge between artists and art fans worldwide. We strive to (i) feature original, unique, classic & contemporary artworks of high quality, from various art categories, (ii) add new artworks on an on-going basis, and (iii) provide a secure & convenient process for art fans to shop for artworks from the comfort of their homes.

Our site complies with fair trade regulations, and facilitates whatever is needed to assure the safe delivery of precious artwork in a timely manner, directly from the artist’s studio to the purchaser’s desired shipping address. And that’s basically what art fans really need in today’s modern life – a decent place to EXPLORE unique artworks, EXCITE and get EXCITED, and eventually INDULGE themselves or their friends with artwork of choice.

Curator of the UniquEEE art gallery is Nira Shiran.

©2009 PicassoMio - All rights reserved.