Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquin

Joaquin Sorolla
Valencia, 1863 - Madrid, 1923

Spain-born painter and printmaker, primarily active in Impressionism.


Joaquín works characteristically implied strong brushwork and vivid colors and a wide range of themes ? from portraits to historical events. His most celebrated series of works is probably large mural panels that was commissioned to create by the Hispanic Society of America in New York, representing characteristic scenes of various Spanish provinces.

A large number of his works can also be discovered at his former home, and now a well-known museum, in Madrid.


Famous Artworks:

- Aun dicen que el pescado es caro
- María Guerrero
- Niños en la playa
- Paseo Por la Playa
- Después del Baño


Museums and Collections:

J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles, EE.UU.
Museo Sorolla Madrid, España.
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco San Francisco, EE.UU.
Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia España.
National Portrait Gallery Londres, Reino Unido.
San Diego Museum of Art San Diego, EE.UU.
Washington University Gallery of Art Missouri, EE.UU.