dominic ryan Biography

Dominic Ryan is an artist who focuses on giving innocent victims of war a voice. In 2007 he was short-listed for a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. He received the Liberte Prize for Human Rights in European Union for work during the conflict in Sarajevo in 1995. In 1997 he brought Mayors and dignitaries into the Erez Crossing to view an image and statement abut the futility of conflict witnessed by 100 million people on television around the world. In 2002 a Declaration for Conflict Resolution was which was co-written by Ryan and Israeli and Palestinian politicians was publicly signed by Israel Knesset members and Palestinian Legislative Council members promoting non violence and human rights at Notre Dame in Jerusalem. The artist is the basis for a fictionalised version of himself in a 100 million dollar 3D Action film being shot in China next month. His next book Planete Dominique will be released in January 2012

Artist's Statement

Believe and it will be