Jose Balaguero Biography

José Balagueró, Zaragoza 1930.

His extensive career has led him to live in different countries: Switzerland and France in his youth; later the United States; and Spain at present. Balagueró's work can be registered as lyrical abstraction. He has held and participated in numerous exhibitions throughout the world. His works can be found in major collection and museums, including:

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid. Museo de Arte Abstracto, Cuenca. The Garage Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Museo de Teheran, Iran. Museo Municipal, Zaragoza. Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. Evanston Art Center, Chicago. Colección Amos Cahan, Nueva York. Museo Municipal, Madrid. Fundación Santillana. Fundación Chateau Citran, Burdeos. Ministerio de Trabajo, Madrid. Cortes de Aragón, Zaragoza. Diputación de Aragón, Zaragoza. Fundación Juan March, Madrid. Fundación Banco Exterior de España, Madrid Museo Salvador Allende, Chile. Palacio de Congresos, Madrid. Art Institute, Chicago

The artist feels that signs and colours do not tell us anything but that they invite us to say something. His work does not impose a mandate or even a suggestion, not the slightest hint of an image. Symbols and colours are not here for any cautious assumption about our understanding being determined by a painter, who observes that we are not where it was suggested we might be. On the contrary, his work breathes freedom and tells us that freedom is beautiful only when mankind is able to use it. This is perhaps the most noble purpose of abstraction: clean shadows of suspicion and innuendo space. This is what I paint Balagueró

M.A. García Viñolas