Manel Anoro Biography

MANEL ANORO — Artist, Anoro was born June 13, 1945 in the Catalan capital of Barcelona. Perhaps the most startling fact about Anaro's development as an artist is that he was thirty-five when he begun to paint in color. Colors, according to the Manel Anaro, are the fastest route to a direct connection with happiness.

Anoro views art - and happiness - as a "dialogue between oneself and things outside."

The surrounding panorama at his stone house in Menorca, with views of the Pyrenees Mountains and the Costa Brava, is his sourcebook. Says Manel Anoro, "I believe you must truly know the countryside you are painting, as you must know a person before you do his portrait. In some of my earliest landscapes, the land and I weren't yet on intimate terms."

It is impossible to imagine Manel Anoro's art without his vivid palette, encompassing all of the shimmering, light-infused tones of the Mediterranean. The influence of the fauves is obvious — in glowing nudes; interiors; still lifes, and landscapes.

Anoro's landscapes are distinguished by what he calls a "constructed" quality. Though he regards Cézanne, Constable and Turner as "kings of naturals construction," the crisp delineation of forms within Anoro's plein air paintings most recalls Cézanne.