Pablo Picasso Artwork Details


Detailed Description

Size: Image size : 326 x 198 mms mms ; Paper size : 328 x 472 mms
Reference: B.Baer (Volume VI) 1743. B.b.2 , Bloch 1743
Edition: 50. Baer notes that there were 17 artists proofs which were unnumbered. This must be one of those.

Note 1: Baer asks what this work represents. It may be an allusion to the celebrated “Femme a barbe de Ribere (Toldeo) or a clever pun about love in the French language where a woman is “coiffee” by her lover. The copper, which was cancelled in 1979, still exists.

Note 2: This etching is number 263 of the so called 347 series made by Picasso at the grand old age of 87. Despite the old age of the artist the works are dynamic and amusing - his longevity has taken away none of his creativity. In a 6 month period the artist created 347 etchings - sometimes doing several in the course of a single day. All are dated, signed and numbered. This was a great feat for a man of his age!

Published by: Gallerie Louis Leiris, 1969. This was part of the 347 series and is number 263 of that series.


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