Art Dictionary

A concise dictionary of key terms and definitions associated with contemporary and traditional art. RELATED BOOKS

Glaze  – Chemically similar to glass, glaze is used for decoration and color.
Gliceé  – The word glicée comes from the French “to spray” This is an electronic printing method, widely recognized as an artistic medium.
Gouache  – Gouache is a water-based paint. Unlike watercolor it is opaque, rather than transparent. However, due to their similar qualities gouache is often used together with watercolor, particularly for the
Grainy  – The word grainy is usually used to describe photographs, or other images, in which areas of uniform tone on the image appear spotty or grainy. In photography this is usually due to the silver particles that make up the image clumping together.
Graphite  – Graphite replaced lead in the mid 1790s, when it was discovered by Nicolas Jaques Conté to produce the same range of greys and blacks as its dangerous predecessor.
Grattage  – Sobre una superficie preparada con una gruesa capa de pintura se reparten texturas caligráficas al cortar y rasgar.
Happening  – 
Hard-edge  – Tendencia dentro de la pintura Colour field que dispone cada superficie de color en formas claramente definidas, casi siempre geométricas, separando una de otra mediante contornos precisos.
Hiperrealism  – 
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Impresionism  – 
Instrumental  – Materiales de la demostración del proceso que sirven como vehículos demostrativos y que fuera de este proceso artístico no tienen ningún significado
Intaglio  – Intaglio describes all printing processes by which an image is transferred onto paper from ink that is held in the incised or eaten into (literally etched) areas of a metal plate.
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Jugendstil  – Término alemán para referirse al Art Nouveau.
Junk-culture  –  Concepto para designar los materia¬les empleados por el mecanismo consumista de la moderna civilización de masas. Mediante la elaboración artística son llevados a un nuevo contexto de presentación
Kinetic  – 
Kinetic Art  – Arte "móvil" basado en la teoría de que la luz y los objetos en movimiento crean una obra de arte
Land art  – Denominación para una corriente artística del presente, que cubre las grandes formaciones paisajísticas con estructuras que alteran las formas originales
Land art  – Denominación para una corriente artística del presente, que cubre las grandes formaciones paisajísticas con estructuras que alteran las formas originales
Landscape  – Generally, landscapes are images of the countryside, usually expansive views. Similarly the term can be modified to cityscape, seascape etc., to describe other views.
Limited Edition  – A limited edition artwork is produced in a limited number and so, unlike one-of-a-kind artworks, it not totally unique.
Linocut  – A linocut (or linoleum cut) is a print made in the relief process, using a method similar to the woodcut process.
Litography  – Lithography was invented by Aloysius Senefelder (1771 – 1834), in Bavaria.
M.A.C.  – (Movimiento por el Arte Concreto)
Matrix  – The matrix is the original block, whether wood, metal or stone, onto which the artist forms a design.
Medium  – The medium is the art form in which the artist works: For example, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, are each a medium.
Mezzotint  – The mezzotint process is an intaglio printing process in negative, that is from black to white.
Minimal art  – Denominación para una corriente artística del presente que reduce su repertorio de composiciones a unos pocos determinantes
Mixed Media  – This term describes works of art made with a variety of different materials. Although this technique has actually been used since the earliest works of art, it is now applied mostly to modern artworks, whether painting based or sculptural, that use a
Mixed Media  – The term "mixed media" refers to a technique of using two or more artistic mediums, such as drawing, painting or collage, combined to create a single composition.
Monocromía  – Pintura modulativa con coloración monocroma contrapuesta a la policromía.
Monoprint  – A monoprint is a print, made by any printing technique, that the artist later alters.
Monotype  – This is a technique in which the artist essentially paints directly onto a metal plate with inks, often colored.
Múltiple  – Objeto artístico en serie, que a causa de su construcción industrial técnica o gráfica es ofrecido al mercado artístico según la demanda existente.
Naïf Art  – 
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Neoplasticismo  – Movimiento estético fundado por Piet Mondrian y Theo van Doesburg en 1917
Objet trouvé  – 
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Oil  – Oil paint consists of pigment that is ground into a powder and mixed with an oil. Linseed oil, or similar oils that retain their consistency, are most commonly used to produce oil paint. Oil painting began to be widely used in Western Europe during t
Op art  – Abreviación de Optical art, tendencia que explota las posibilidades de la modulación dinámica luz/color.
Optofonética  – Procedimiento concebido por Raoul Hausmann que compone las poesías simultáneas dadaístas
Orfismo  – Corriente pictórica francesa que reaccionó contra la monotonía cromática del cubismo analítico.
ot  – 
Papier collé  – Técnica combinatoria desarrollada en 1912 por los cubistas Pablo Picasso y Georges Braque a partir de fragmentos de papel
Pastel  – Pastel is a drawing material made out of pigment that is dissolved in resin or gum Arabic, and formed into a crayon.
Pen & Ink  – Pen and ink gives an effect that is somewhere between painting and drawing.
Performance  – 
Pictorical  –